The MOBIL-APP project

The MOBIL-APP project « International MOBILity of APPrentices in master’s degree in instrumentation » began in December 2018 and it is supervized by C. Reynard-Carette.

This mobility program was possible from 2019 and 2022 thanks to a financial support from:

  • A*MIDEX University Foundation, Academy of Excellence

Now this program is realized within the framework of the project « Excellence Nucléaire Sud » (France Relance) led by « le campus des Métiers et des Qualifications d’Excellence – Industries du Futur – Région Sud »

Moreover a financial support from the CFA and the Filière Instrumentation allows the project realization.


The MOBIL-APP project is based on a first small experiment realized in June 2018. The Nuclear reactor Laboratory of the MIT hosted seven students (block-release apprentices) preparing the Master’s degree in Instrumentation during a period of one week by means of funding from the CFA Epure Méditerranée (Apprentice Training Center).


The project concerns the outgoing international mobility of block-release apprentices preparing the Master’s degree in Instrumentation of the Filière Instrumentation (Physics Department of the Science Faculty). It targets universities and research centers involved in nuclear energy and is based on ongoing partnerships with CFA Epure–Méditerranée, EDF, and CEA thanks to on a solid research background in the LIMMEX laboratory run jointly by CEA and AMU (IM2NP) and dedicated to Instrumentation and Measurements under EXtreme conditions, and on the ANIMMA international conference and the EFMMIN Franco-Moroccan school. This has led to the development of a useful network of operators (partners involved in the project) in priority geographical areas for AMU: Nuclear Reactor Laboratory at MIT, Moroccan Nuclear Center and Mohammed V University, Polish Nuclear Center, Slovenian Jožef Stefan Institute, Belgian Nuclear Center.

The project consists in sending a group of block-release apprentices for 2 weeks per year to two partner who propose visits to reactors, laboratories and companies, and participation in seminars, short courses, experimental projects and workshops together with local students. They visit cultural places and prepare an activity report in English.

Une vidéo pour découvrir le programme