Master’s track dedicated to Instrumentation and Measurement Science for Major Nuclear Research Facilities (IMSci-Nu)

The international master’s track IMSci-Nu created and opened in 2022 is included in the Master’s degree focusing on Instrumentation, Measurement, Metrology (5 Tracks, more than 130 students). IMSci-Nu addresses challenges in the nuclear fission and fusion fields.

If you are interested in nuclear energy, research, instrumentation, measurement and innovation; if you want to add an international experience to your CV, JOIN US.

The master is presented thanks to this new video:

Sector of activity: Nuclear energy company, Energy company, Research, R&D

Degree level: Master’s degree (Bac + 5)

Recruitment level: After a first year of master (M1), After a master degree or an engineer degree (Bac + 4 and Bac + 5)

Admission requirements: Initial training, Continuing education, Validation of Prior Experience

Institution of the degree: Aix-Marseille University

Duration: 1-year Master

Mention: Instrumentation, measurement, metrology (IMM)

Program location: in person at Aix-Marseille University, Campus St. Jérôme, Marseille, France

Contact person: Prof. Christelle Reynard-Carette,

Objectives: This course is dedicated to major facilities in the nuclear field. This course was created in 2022 by Aix-Marseille University thanks to the support and interest of 23 partners (Universities, Research institutions, Nuclear Centers and Companies; 6 in France and 17 abroad: CEA, EDF, IRSN, MIT-USA, Univ. Lancaster-UK, Univ. Michigan-USA, Penn state Univ.-USA, JSI-Slovenia, SCK-CEN-Belgium, NCBJ-Poland, CAEN-Italy, CNESTEN-Morocco, IEAP-Czech Republic, RBI-Croatia…).

We benefit from an exceptional environment in the Région SUD due to the construction of two major international infrastructures, respectively in fusion with ITER and in fission with the Jules Horowitz Reactor, but also due to other facilities at the CEA’s Cadarache center such as WEST (Tungsten Environment Steady-state Tokamak, Tokamak in fusion by magnetic confinement), RES (test reactor dedicated to studies on nuclear propulsion), CABRI (safety research reactor), numerous associated experimental platforms and neutron facilities (generators, accelerators).

This environment and the associated research potential with a strong international component require high-level graduates in the field of instrumentation and measurement science in nuclear environments.

The objective of the IMSci-Nu program is to train specialist researchers, project managers and engineers able to choose instrumentation (sensors, diagnostics, detectors, acquisition system) and implement measurements in order to carry out experimental physics work for major facilities and associated equipment/devices in the field of nuclear energy (nuclear fission, fusion, research reactor and tokamak), and to interpret the results thanks to numerical simulations, if necessary.

Program details: Program in pdf format

The IMSci-Nu master, created in 2022, has the ISO 9001 Quality Certification.

The IMSci-Nu master is taught in English.

The IMSci-Nu courses are realized by professors, lecturers, scientists and experts coming from Universities, Research institutions, Nuclear Centers, Companies from France and abroad.

The IMSci-Nu program corresponds to 340 h of courses from October to March, followed by an internship (from 4 to 6 months in France or abroad).

This program is a comprehensive track including lectures, seminars performed by prestigious international scientists and experts, hands-on activities, remote experiments on nuclear facilities, research project, internship, visits of facilities, winter school,and a short mobility abroad.

The IMSci-Nu program is composed of 7 education units:

  • Fundamentals in nuclear fission and fusion (6 ECTS)
  • Major nuclear facilities and challenges (6 ECTS)
  • Nuclear detection, instrumentation and fusion diagnostics (12 ECTS)
  • Modeling and experimental work (6 ECTS)
  • Interculturality, international communication and scientific seminars (6 ECTS)
  • Research project (6 ECTS)
  • Professionalization and Internship (18 ECTS)

The hands-on activities associated to the Education Unit “Modeling and Experimental Work” are carried out at Aix-Marseille University and thanks to online remote experiments on major nuclear facilities (Reactor of the MIT: MITR-USA, Reactor of the JSI TRIGA-Slovenia).

The “Research project” Unit involves several laboratories of Aix-Marseille University providing state-of-the-art topics in the fission and the fusion fields.

The IMSci-Nu program includes a 1-week winter school with several talks on various domains of the nuclear field (reactor, tokamak, NPP, SMR/AMR, Medical applications, Space) given by international partners (MIT-USA, JSI-Slovenia, University of Lancaster, University of Michigan, IPFN-Portugal, SCK-CEN-Belgium, CAEN -Italy, University of Pisa, …), with a 1-day visit of the CEA (Cadarache center) and with a poster session (posters realized by IMSci-Nu students on their work conducted in the education unit “Research Project”, with a best poster award).

The IMsci-Nu students benefit from a team of supervisors involved in different high-level joint research programs conducted in nuclear instrumentation thanks a joint laboratory between AMU, CEA, CNRS (IM2NP, IRESNE) called LIMMEX Lab and involved in international conferences such as ANIMMA.

The IMSci-Nu students benefit from an important sustained network of Alumni of the Filière Instrumentation (Instrumentation service in charge of the 5 tracks of the Master Instrumentation, Measurement, Metrology (IMM, 150 students per academic year) inside the Physics Department of the Sciences Faculty of Aix-Marseille University). A mentoring event is organized each academic year with IMM students, graduates, alumni, partners, sponsors, companies to develop links between various actors (more than 250 participants).

Morever, the IMSci-Nu students benefit from other actions developed within the framework of the ISFIN institute (seminars, thematic days, visits, scholarships).


The main scientific skills to be acquired are:

  • a knowledge of nuclear reactions, radiation/matter interactions, nuclear physics
  • a strong knowledge of the various major research facilities in terms of operating principles, experimental constraints/conditions, societal and research issues (reactors and tokamaks)
  • a mastering of nuclear instrumentation and detection, diagnostics
  • an expertise in experimental and measurement sciences (measurement chain, metrology, ergonomics, experimental design and feedback, signal processing and data analysis)
  • a knowledge of numerical modeling

The main soft skills to be acquired are:

  • be able to identify and use information sources on nuclear standards
  • ensure a scientific and bibliographic watch and be able to write scientific documents
  •  know the rules and practices of intellectual property and patents
  • conduct and organize a scientific research project
  • work in a multidisciplinary team and in autonomy
  • use knowledge of interculturality in international nuclear projects
  • master the English language
  • communicate with scientific and international codes

There are three kinds of scholarship.

TIGER master’s Excellence scholarships (A*MIDEX foundation program) enables to finance international students with excellent backgrounds, other scholarships from ISFIN institute are available for students never enrolled in an Aix-Marseille University degree and other scholarships funded within the framework of the Excellence Nucléaire Sud project led by the Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications d’Excellence – Industrie du futur Sud – PACA.

After the diploma:

The main opportunities in terms of jobs and sectors are:

  • PhD in universities, nuclear research centers and other research organizations
  • research engineer in universities, nuclear research centers and other research organizations, international nuclear infrastructures
  • R&D project manager in nuclear research centers, high-tech companies and international nuclear infrastructures
  • nuclear engineer in nuclear centers, service companies or international industries
  • test engineer for nuclear research centers, high-tech companies or industrial R&D departments
  • instrumentation engineer in universities, nuclear research centers and other research organizations or in high-tech companies
  • metrology engineer, metrology manager in public or private specialized laboratories, service companies or industries

Admission requirements:

– A first year of master (M1) or a master degree (M2) or a master of science degree (MSc) in instrumentation or metrology or applied sciences or nuclear physics or physics or physics-chemistry or material sciences or thermal sciences or energy or engineering sciences or microelectronics or fluid mechanics, …

– Engineer degree in instrumentation or metrology or applied science or nuclear physics or physics or physics-chemistry or material sciences or thermal sciences or energy or microelectronics or fluid mechanics, …

Each candidate will have an interview.

IMSci-Nu head and contact person:

Prof. Christelle Reynard-Carette